Sunday, June 15, 2003

Team breakfast followed by acts devotions where we discussed the first part of the story of Paul getting ship wrecked.

Paul and I went to play racket ball. This is a new healthy pattern for us that I hope to continue through the summer. This means joining the YMCA.

We then came up for the following prayer request for InnerChange LA:


For more InnerChange workers globally and the Los
Angeles team's historical role in nurturing vision,
training, and launching workers.

For culturally relevant churches for the 1.5
generation (bicultural immigrants).

For the young adults who are emerging as leaders for
the kingdom - for their character development and
ministry skills.

For community development efforts - especially
Comunidad Cambria and LA Street Productions - that
participants overcome their fears and grow in faith,
moving from guardedness to blessing.

For our visioning process - which includes the
possibility of a youth center.

For the people and resources we need to accomplish
God's purposes.

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