Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dec. 2010 Newsletter

Dear Friends, December 2010

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light;
on those living in the land of deep darkness, a light has dawned. (Isaiah 9:2)
This year the world’s attention was focused on the physical earthquake in Haiti. Here in Los Angeles, the economic quake continues to shake people’s lives. The struggling economy has meant continued hardship for our neighbors. Many cannot pay their rent, and it has become common for families who already live in tight quarters to share their space with another family. It is more than cozy. Every day becomes a struggle to survive.
This verse from Isaiah reminds us that Jesus came into this world not because everything was going great, but because there was “deep darkness.” The promise is that into this deep darkness, the light dawns. We don’t always notice the dawning of the light. Sometimes we have to look for it. The waiting of Advent reminds us to pay attention, to look for the ways that light and hope break into our world and into our everyday reality. We are finding more people directly asking us for guidance and direction in these times than ever before. We are ever grateful for Immanuel, God with us. The darkness is not the end of the story.
A few words about us:
John invited others to join him in reading the one year Bible, starting this past January, enhanced with you tube videos of John reflecting on some of the passages.
The book collective initiative has flourished and grown, and is a great source of life to John – not just the books, exactly, but the ways he can live out mentoring/discipleship relationships in the process. He expects to continue to move forward on this in 2011.
Jude continues to explore what it means to be an urban contemplative. She enjoys her part-time teaching in Fuller’s School of Intercultural Studies.
Together we are moving into more of an “elder” role in InnerChange, as we think through what our contributions will be for the next generation of mission workers among the poor. We had the opportunity to travel to Malaysia for CRM’s Worldwide Conference held every four years, where we each gave a presentation. Afterwards we spent a fun few days in Kuala Lumpur, visiting a Fuller alum who now runs a bible college (thanks Tess). Jude enjoyed watching John’s gift for connecting with people take place in a very different context.
Ways to stay in touch with J&J in LA: Find us on Facebook
John’s you tube channel -- youtube.com/jaw1LA
Send Jude an email if you would like prayer updates – judetw@innerchange.org
Our blog – www.jawpoetry.blogspot.com (Including links to Jude’s writings)

We are so grateful for each of you and your part in our lives and ministry. In the midst of the challenges of life, may the grace of kindness be abundant in this New Year.
John and Jude Tiersma Watson

Donations welcome: 1- 800-777-6658 http://www.crmleaders.org/support/support-staff

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