Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Confessions of a Sabbath Breaker

When I really started resting I went into a mode of being a blob on the couch in front of the tv for hours at a time. I was very glad for the olympics because it gave me something interesting to watch. What was really interesting to me was how hard the atheletes would work at resting between events. Then conviction set in. God had gotten between the edges of my denial. I have this vague memory of Old testament judgement comming down on ancient Isreal leading them into captivity... because of Sabbath breaking... and I too am a Sabbath breaker...

The real today is I am just wanting to read again... the extra learning kind of reading that I have not done for a couple of months. Withdrawl from adrenaline also leads to an emotional bluesy feeling. Not sadness... just a dimmer view of life. Life lacking the deeper sources of inspiration.

It is in stillness that we remember that God is God. Again I resolve to pray more and to let my devotional life lead me into ministry. Slowly back to my Rule of Life. The basics that for mr lead towards integrity.

My mom reminded me recently about the difference between Gold, Silver, and Precious Stones... vs. Wood, Hay, and Stubble. It is a gift of grace to have a mom who speaks the truth in love. God is good, patient and willing to work with us and lead us... times of rest are not optional...

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