Saturday January 22, 2005 InnerChange and LA Street Productions did a small Benefit Yard Sale.
Recycling other people’s junk in order that treasure can be increased in heaven is a special joy to me (JAW). Will collected donations from his house and some of the other members of LA Street Productions (Special thanks also to Rei ; ). InnerChange and some of our ministry partners also contributed significantly (Special thanks to Randa, Barbie, & Sue’s sister).
Over $250.00 was raised. Half will go to LA Street Productions for their second Annual Scholarship to a deserving Belmont High School student. Half of it went to the Tsunami Relief effort Through CRM.
Neighbors were able to meet some of the needs of their extended family. One grandmother, who bought a group of coats, proudly told me that she was going to send these back to her family in Mexico.
Other Neighbors moved by the event donated their own clothing and other goods in order to contribute to our efforts. One couple arrived after the yard sale was over and donated a whole set of dishes for our next yard sale.
All the goods that were left over got donated to the Nehemiah House… a Christian discipleship house that is an extension of ministry from a local Evangelical Free Church in Pico-Union.
Because the day was a very pleasant LA day… many of the women of the neighborhood spent a significant time just being together and talking with each other. This kind of event is very helpful in nurturing a sense of community and has become a recognized community event. Norma was able to catch up with one friend and was able to restart the weekly Bible studies she has been having with their family. Will is well known and liked by many in this neighborhood… so this event became a good chance to catch up with old friends including some inactive members of LA Street Productions. On top of all this we got to meet some neighbors that we have never met before.
At the end of the day Will was having some car trouble. In old time barter/neigborhood fashion he was able to get help getting his truck fixed in exchange for one of the donated tables in the yard sale.
I also had a great time talking with Will – (thanks Will for your help with everything). We have shared hopes and dreams together over the years. May God continue to grant us the grace to receive His blessings and to share that blessing with others.
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