I want to thank everyone who joined in celebrating my birthday...
What made it such a good day for me is that I enjoy watching people -- especially my friends... What was moving to me was to watch how much love and care was in the mix. It matters to me that my friends are good to each others and for each others... and that is the way it was and is... All thanks to God for this...
Roxy, Chris, Lance Mark, & Salvador... for setting up the decorations at Magee's Donut Shop.
Sal, Jose, and Rikki... for bringing my two favorite cakes to share with everyone.
Wil, Glen, and Nate... for Gifts of sharing Art... Keep up the Creativity!!!
Willie & Gennell... We are looking forward to you Wedding this summer...
Carmen... for her encouraging words and for encouraging her son in his creativity...
Barbie & Yoshi... for sharing your cullinary arts and the largest havest of lemons I have ever been blessed with...
Miriam, Nate... for hanging out with me for a whole day of musings and conversation...
Jesika... for spreading love wherever you go...
Paul, Kathy, Mel, Julio, Rikki, Kristin, Steve & Sandra... for so often going the extra mile for us throughout the years...
Jude with great love made a trip to the Farmers Market on Mariposa Street and brought 8 baskets of our favorite fruit / Strawbarries...
Miguel, Ramiro... for freindship over the years
Reina, and Kathy for being such good neighbors...
Natalie, and Melissa for their friendship, Paitience with questions about La Cultura Aqui, and the years of hair cuts...
LA Street Productions... Remembering our beginnings at Maggees... Active members: Wil, Miriam, Nate... Innactive Members: Sal, and Rei (by phone), and Potential new members Glen, and Yoshi...
For special guests... Kim, Alexi, and Kathy
Maria, Frank, and Ronald also came through...
Kathy also reminded me of John 13 and Jesus washing the feet of the disciples... and our care for the feet of the poor... and our shared history of sharing something of the love of God in this way... thank you for blessing my feet for my birthday... may we extend this blessing to others... may we carry the grace implied by such a blessing...
Mike & Mona...For the best breakfast I have ever had...on my real B-day... at the House of Blues Sundays Gospel Brunch.
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