Saturday, January 10, 2004

Domestic Violence Presentation -- my gut response

Our friend Cindy Speakman gave a talk at the monthly meeting for Christian's for Biblical Equality about Domestic Violence. She did a great job and recomended this web site: She also lead us into a moving reflection on Psalm 55:4-8, 12-14, 20-21... noting that these verses capture some of the most common feelings about abuse.

The statistcis alone made me ever so greatful for the Old Testament and the Bible.

Throughout the Bible is a constant willingness to expose the darkest tendencies of human nature. I wish we would dare to be this honest about ourselves and our collective histories. We who are pastors need to draw on the Biblical Naratives to invite our communities to wrestle with the twisted realities in and around us. We won't build Biblical fellowships with out this kind of honesty (I John 1). The Bible tlaks about rape, violence, murder, betrayal, deception, etc. in the most unflattering terms. It does not hesitate to expose human brokeness in even the most prominent leaders. It also offers a vision for redemption and transformation... and it encourages a lifestyle of accountability.

They say that history is written by those in power to make those in power look good. This is not what the Biblical narrative gives us.

Why do I connect the reality of domestic violence with this kind of truth telling??? Because unless the silence is broken the cycles of denial and pain continue. Is there a prophet in the house and are we willing not to kill our prophets???

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