Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Poem for the month ; ) "A jaw Psalm... to the Lord"

Hidden are your wonders
Deep within the sea
deep within the quazars
Dancing in a million snowflakes -- All of them are different.

Loving, Wrestless, Creative beauty -- are you.

I am struck in silence
So far beyound my comprehension
are your works O' Lord.

I have heard the rumour of Angels
I have heard the praises of heaven
I have been told that without your grace...
No one can see your face and live.

I long to see your face -- and live...

How long O' Lord will we foolishly imagine that this is just for us and our use.

Awaken my soul
Awaken my soul to awe
Awaken my soul to wonder

Shudder in the beauty of our Holy God
and anounce His Claim on all creation.

JAW1 '04

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