Thursday, June 03, 2004

A friend of ours needs prayer for her sister.

This is my response to Dry Bones JUNE 2 entry.

Sometimes when I pray I get the strangest of thoughts. So I choose to share them... you can take them as thoughts that came into jaw's head when he was praying.

My mind drifted to the power of music to inspire and lift the soul.

That somehow the hospital context needed something life giving.

We are called to fight for life.

The dangers and trials we are facing life are real every day. To not put asside our part... and to persue reconciliation whenever possible.

That even those in a comma can sometimes here what we say... or here music...

The soul needs nourishment to will to fight for life...

Hildegard Von Bingen Wrote some really strange but powerful music... I will keep it playing in the background to remind me to stay in prayer for you and your family today...

some music is truly spiritual... this is not about style... it is about what the soul is in touch with when the music is composed, sung, and heard...

Sometimes God will speak directly to us in our darkest hours...

I too will continue to pray...

Forgive any presumption in my words...

I could either share my thoughts or remain silent. There is also a place for silence... I am not as good at taking that path yet...

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