Saturday, March 08, 2003

It was a joy to be at Wendy's birthday party. It is fun to see the children celebrate life and know that the adults in their life are glad that they are alive. A gift it is to contribute to this kind of memories. What if every child in the world knew that they were wanted??? What a different world this would be!!!

A big shout out to Werner... you will be in my prayers in a special way during Lent. Chris... when will your eyes see how your art is recieved as a blessing??? I love you bro! Boy1... keep the music dialogue going...I look forward to the day you are playing an instrument. I will look for contexts for our art to grow. Rei... there is nothing wrong with wanting to do what is right in a world that often goes wrong. I respect you for this bro!!! Wil... you are a leader...I would like to encourage the growth of vision in your life. Everyone... Life on the inside matters... nuture the soul through prayer, reflection, and appropriate rest...

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