Saturday, January 25, 2003


Resurrection is the only hope we have --
Up out of the ashes of this reality
Is the Eternal Embrace of God.

Invitation now to taste On this earth God’s love
Given to the fearless
Full of faith
People of God

Invitation now to taste On this earth God’s power
Given to the humble
That cry out
with their whole heart to God

In the Name of Jesus
Available to all
Is an extraordinary life
Hidden in the ordinary day to day.

Look at the claims of the ordinary saints…

Mother Theresa said,
“ I have a little Hitler inside of me –
that is why I pray so much”

Luther sang,
“Though this world with devils filled
Should threaten to undo us…”

Hudson Taylor taught,
“God’s work done God’s way will not lack God’s Supply”

Saint Francis’s claim to fame,
“I just want to live like one of God’s Sparrows”

Now I come to Preach…to Teach, to speak there is victory over these streets. Time for a God centered mind-set…
A life with out regrets
A life of trials yet full of peace
A life both in and above these streets

Come to the souls mountain top
Look who you are serving and stop if it is not the top
There is one and one only Christ the Lord King of Kings
Let go of serving lesser things

I want to tell you that heavenly angles have it good
Sparrows do to if you really overstood this…
You could drop your worries about death, unemployment, and belonging
A good resurrection would be your only longing.

The eternal kind of life can start today
Like Christ’s Disciple’s learn to pray
“Our Father….” And really mean every word you say…

Resurrection is the only hope we have --
Up out of the ashes of this reality
Is the Eternal Embrace of God.

Invitation now to taste On this earth God’s love
Given to the fearless
Full of faith
People of God

Invitation now to taste On this earth God’s power
Given to the humble
That cry out
with their whole heart to God

In the Name of Jesus
Available to all
Is an extraordinary life
Hidden in the ordinary day to day.

Now I come to Preach…to Teach, to speak there is victory over these streets. Time for a God centered mind-set…
A life with out regrets
A life of trials yet full of peace
A life both in and above these streets.

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