Wednesday, December 17, 2003

The Lord of the Rings Return of the King Mystery Post

Chris and I enjoyed the last enstallment of the Lord of the Rings based on Tolkiens books. Reading provides so much more conversation and dialogue. If you really liked the movies... the books to me are still better.

Well I tried just for fun to post part of the this movie on my blog using Chris's cell phone. It didn't come out that well. Yet the idea was worth a try. I want to stay better connected with my friends. I can share my thoughts... and sounds and eventually sights as well...

The movie brings things to an end... it would have been better to make it into two movies instead of one. If you have read the books then you are more likely to be critical of this one. And so it goes...

This movie I think shows something of the bonds that are formed by going through struggles together. The comfortable life is not the good life.

And so it goes... Can you figure out what part of the movie I was adding to my blog???

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