Saturday, April 24, 2004

It is amazing what a few days of real rest and reflection can do.

I spent a few days at my brother in-laws house.

Proverbs 24 became a very important text for reflection for me.

I have been challenged to pay attention to the flow of knowledge, Understanding, and wisdom...
Intergenerational thinking requires knowing clearly what you are passing on to other... where it is coming from and where it needs to go. This is all of our responsibility... but for me it is my life work. To continue in the tradition of the witness given for generations through those faithful to God -- I John 1.

There are particular truths. There are particular people who have shaped me. Their wisdom, understanding, and knowledge needs to be not just thought about but imbodied in a life -- my life. I am responsible to carry "my load" of life's work in my generation. Pray for me... I will write more about this another time.

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